Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Assassin's Creed Rogue for PC

    Every gamer want to hear the new's Assassin's Creed game will be on PC Well, it depends how the bottom of Black Flag's naval combat You Were. For Those of us eager to blow things up at sea again, it's looking more and more Likely That Rogue Assassin's Creed Will Come to PC.

    NeoGAF users managed to capture screenshots of Both bodies. It's not The Most surprising news, since Karl Von Der associate producer Luheas Earlier this month Indicated That The studio is "looking into" the possibility of a PC edition. Given That year Assassin's Creed installment Originally released Exclusively for Vita ended up on PC, you'd Be a fool to bet Against Rogue Following Eventually result. 

Of course, Assassin's Creed Unity is the biggest game in the series to launch this year, and it's Confirmed for PC. The latest trailer Explains gear and co-op. 

   The  releases date will be November 14

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